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  • Utworzono: 2013-07-27

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    I'll see it all in my baby

     Nothing seems to be the way
    That it used to
    Everything seems shallow
    God give me truth

    In me
    And tell me somebody's watching
    Over me
    And that is all I'm praying is that

    I will understand
    In God's whole plan
    And what he's done to me
    Oh but maybe 
    Someday I will breathe
    And I'll finally see
    I'll see it all in my baby

    Don't you run too fast my dear
    Why don't you stop?
    Just stop and listen to your tears
    They're all you've got

    It's in you
    You see somebody's watching
    Over you 
    And that is all I'm praying is that

    You will understand
    In God's whole plan
    And what he does to you
    Oh but maybe 
    Someday you will breathe
    And you'll finally see
    You'll see it all in your baby
    You'll see it all in your baby

    No moment 
    Will be more true
    Than the moment
    I look at you

    It's in you
    You see somebody's watching
    Over you 
    And that is all I'm praying is that

    You will understand
    In God's whole plan
    And what he does to you
    Oh but maybe
    Someday you will breathe
    And you'll finally see
    You'll see it all in your baby
    You'll see it all in your baby
    You'll see it all in your baby
    You'll see it all in your baby

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" Pod moim sercem, inne bije serce, Nieznane, a jakże bliskie i jakże kochane, Pod moim sercem małe rączki dziecka, cichutko pukaja do mojego serca, Myślę sobie wtedy: może być wspanialej? Nosze w sobie życie które Bog mi daje ! "
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